The Tour De Yorkshire sets off from Bridlington on the 1st May
in light of this
Thursday 30th April 2015
9am -4.30pm
members of our staff will be riding execise bikes in an all day event to raise money for Bridlington Lifeboat and Cash for Kids.
Please come down to
10 King Street, Bridlington YO15 2DE
and cheer us on
We are hoping to raise as much as possible for these great charities and you can help by donating whatever you can to
Cash for Kids using our
Just Giving page,
text service
SOLS66 £1 to 70070
donate to Bridlington Lifeboat
by popping into one of our branch offices and making a donation
Now a little about our chosen charities.
Bridlington Lifeboat
The Bridlington Lifeboat station is on South Marine Drive in Bridlington
Over its 200-year history, Bridlington Lifeboat Station crew have been presented with over 50 awards for gallantry, the last in 2004. The station operates both inshore and all weather lifeboats from two separate sites.
Cash for Kids
"Each year we support thousands of children from birth to 18 years old who are ill, disabled, underprivileged or who simply need extra care and guidance. We do this by providing grants to individual children, other children’s charities, community groups, schools and health organisations.
Every penny raised here stays here, so you can be sure that your support will directly benefit a local child with a minimum of 80p from every pound donated going to children in our community"
Bauer Radio's Cash for Kids registered charity 1122062 (England & NI), SC041421 (East Scotland), SC003334 (West Scotland).